Iwona Germanek
A visual artist specializing in creative photography, portraiture, and broadly understood photographic experimentation.
Her extensive project, consisting of several series, titled „Threads of Forgetfulness” was showcased at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń in 2021. Since then, she has continued to explore the realms of memory, using archival visual material: not only from her own family, but also from completely anonymous individuals.
She eagerly incorporates photos, and even entire albums, which are no longer needed and sold at flea markets, into her series. Through symbolic adoption, she attempts to restore their memory and dignity. In her works, she uses not only photography but also collage and photomontage. She is also keen on employing historical photographic techniques.
She uses wax, Japanese paper, and other materials to create objects — assemblages. The theme of family is still present in her work, resonating clearly in the series „Pink Doesn’t Exist”.
She studies at The Institute of Creative Photography in Opava and she is a member of The Union of Polish Art Photographers in the Silesian District. She is also the author of two art books: „Herbarium” (2021) and „Pink Doesn’t Exist” (2023). Her works are included in the collections of the Silesian Museum in Katowice as well as in private collections.